Hi-Target CORS Applied in Zhuhai Beidou CORS Project

Hi-Target CORS Applied in Zhuhai Beidou CORS Project
December 16th 2018 was a big day for Engineer Wang and his team – the Zhuhai Beidou CORS Project passed the general acceptance of the project sponsors and stakeholders. So far that the two stages of the project have been finished and put into trial runs.
The project sponsors and stakeholders were at the meeting of acceptance test.
This continuous operational reference system, consisting of 16 reference stations in total, is now providing positioning correction service for the whole Zhuhai City, which is situated at the southern part of Guangdong Province, China and adjacent to South China Sea, bordering Hong Kong and Shenzhen to the east by 36 nautical miles and Macao to the south by land.
It was an interesting but also challenging job to implement the CORS service for this City of Hundred Islands, whose land area covers 1,653 km2 and sea area, 6,000 km2, including 146 islands. Three stations of the project were located on the islands and hit by the destructive Super Typhoon Mangkhut. Thanks to the high quality and the hard work of the construction team, they came through the crisis apparently unscathed.
The CORS covers the terrestrial and marine area of Zhuhai.
Typhoon Mangkhut at peak intensity
The VNet Series GNSS CORS SYSTEM was chosen in the face of challenges related to the project: first was the extreme conditions, such as weather disasters; then the unstable signal; and finally, remoteness of the site making launch point access difficult.
This system is built on HI-TARGET’s sophisticated GPS/GNSS technology and combined with HI-TARGET’s many years of experience and knowledge in establishing the CORS/VRS and monitoring system. It supports GPS, GLONASS, BDS, GALILEO (reserved) and is fully compatible with current Reference System. Using Hi-Target ZnetVRS software with TotalStarTM all constellation technology, it supports longer baseline processing and reliable correction data. With its internal battery and WiFi communication, the actual effect is stable, effective and excellent.
Photos of some reference stations in this project
Applied in different countries and regions, Hi-Target CORS has been in successive operation for many years. Though the environment changes, Hi-Target CORS always provides stable, efficient and high precision integrated location services.

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